Monday, 26 July 2010

No Cherie, convince yourself that you are not in that stage yet (well, nearly then).
You are just an exam and an essay away from graduating...(well, it helps if I have started on that essay earlier on instead of procrastinating...)
You can do it! You have done it before, so you can accomplish the feat again! (Hopefully...)
加油! (Fight-o!)
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Friday, 23 July 2010
Building on my last memories in Manchester...

Yesterday (Thursday) officially marked my last day as a student nurse.
Finally got all my documents signed off. I was supposed to be down for a long day (7.30am to 9.30pm) but my mentor was really nice to let me go home at 3pm (which is even earlier than an early shift). She said it is cruel for me to stay till 9.30pm on my last day and that I needed the well-deserved rest.
It was all a little too emotional towards the end when both my mentors signed in the box that declared a pass in my proficiency. With the feeling of a hard lump on the back of my throat, I am finding it a little difficult to accept the fact that I am going to be a qualified nurse in 2 weeks time and that I am accountable for everything I am going to do without the back-up of a mentor anymore.

This uniform will forever be sealed in my memory from now on...A big big thank you to all staff in ward 37 of Manchester Royal Infirmary for providing me with the best placement ever!
Thank you Emily for being my mentor, for supporting me and providing the opportunities to fulfil my outcomes. I am very touched by the card you gave me, wishing me success in my career. You will forever be my inspiration for becoming a ward manager at the age of 28. And thank you for saying you will offer me a job in ward 37 if I ever want to come back :)
Thank you Susie for being my mentor too! Your comment about me being the best third year student you have seen has totally made my day! I will definitely think of you whenever I come across a basset :)
And thank you everyone for the hugs! You all made me smile like an idiot as I walked back home!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Building on my last memories in Manchester...I am always associated with food. My motto is "Live to eat, and not eat to live"
Must say in these three years I have not been eating out a lot because I lived in a catered hall in my first year and eating out always almost burned a hole in my pocket.
However, I enjoyed eating out a lot. Not only because I am sick of my own cooking, but also because of the company of great friends! The joy of catching up and gossiping over food....*bliss*
Here are some pictures to testify the hunt for great food in Manchester...

The must-order butterfly prawn nigiri in Wasabi Restaurant. Plenty of memories there with different group of friends :)

This is a Thai Spicy Salad with duck and Red Curry Noodles with crispy pork belly from Try Thai restaurant. First saw this place being 'liked' by someone on Facebook. Then heard recommendations from Rong. Finally got Rong and Josh to have lunch there to celebrate various accomplishments we had. Will definitely miss this place!

I think tapas will have a very special place in my heart now... because of the main events that happened on that day...

This bear is a giveaway sign *winks*
Of course there are many more moments where I did not take pictures of because I've not got my camera with me. Dim sum with Thuy, Fu Ji with Rong, Seoul Kimchi with Rong and Josh and many many more!

Until the next post, here's a cheers (that's a Spanish Sangria) to all those fond memories created over food!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Building on my last memories in Manchester...

Last Saturday, I went on a day trip to Chatsworth House in the peak district with Rong and Josh. Having mixed feelings because it was our last trip together before I go back home for good.
I had to meet Josh at Oxford Road Station at 7.20am to reach Chatsworth by 9.45am. The journey was long. First a train to Sheffield (an hour+) and then bus 214 (45 minutes). But the scenery along the way was well worth the journey...
With great recommendations from Rong, the first stop was the Chatsworth farm shop in Pilsbury, Bakewell, Derbyshire. Josh and I had to walk 40 minutes from the house to the farm shop with great difficulties due to the slopes (and the moans from Josh because he got stung by a plant :P).

We had to follow signs like these along the wayBut all weariness disappear the moment I stepped into the farm shop because those freshly baked produced caught my attention immediately! People who understand me know that I have no immunity to products from the bakery, therefore I went on a shopping spree on different pastry and cakes. Look at my 战利品 in the next picture :)

Cranberry and sultanas scones, butter croissant, coconut and chocolate bake, walnut bread, lime curd, devonshire moist ginger cake, and honey chicken, parmesan and grapes pie. I forgot to take a picture of the Chatsworth curd tart which is in my fridge.
What I really like about this trip is that I get to be really close to farm animals, especially sheep. They are practically everywhere!

These road signs are definitely not seen in Singapore :P

Just to reiterate my point on how close those sheeps are...
And of course, there are the impressive gardens within Chatsworth grounds which are simply too huge to finish walking...

The flowers in front of the maze. Josh challenged me to see who will complete the maze first....and I won!To end of the day, we sat down on the grass and had a mini picnic while waiting for the bus...

The silly three of us trying to get drunk on ginger beer and this is what happens...:P
All good things come to an end...and I will most definitely miss their presence when I go back home...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Monday, 12 July 2010
Building on my last memories in Manchester...

Have you met Henry? He is one of my best buddies here...
Back home, we called it a vacuum cleaner; the British called it a hoover.
I remember borrowing him for the first time in first year from the cleaner because there were no hoover in my hall yet.
Was surprised by the design, and thought the British were amusing to paint eyes on their hoovers.
Was even more surprised to see "Henry" in almost all houses I've visited.
Almost thought there were no other designs of hoovers in the UK...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Building on my last memories in Manchester...
Must say one thing I will miss is the erratic and unpredictable weather here...

Such a beautiful sunset on an overcast day...
Have you ever seen the sky on fire?
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Monday, 5 July 2010
To add on to the World Cup is an interesting sentence I saw on Facebook...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Sunday, 4 July 2010

Feeling the blues again...
Perhaps some doughnuts will do the trick?
i just wanted to say ...# ;