Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Was talking to my mum over the web-cam when she mentioned that a huge moth flew into the house the other night. My brother was talking about it on Facebook and I was curious to know how big the moth is...Luckily, my brother managed to capture shots of it...

Can you see the moth behind the sofa? Perhaps it is not very clear in this picture but it shows you the size of the moth in proportion to the sofa...
Here is a closer picture of it:

Looks frightening?
I was at first...but my parents said it was my elder brother who came back home to was resting at the 神台 too...
For some reason, when my parents said that, I don't find the moth that scary anymore :)
i just wanted to say ...# ;

This came unexpected because a few days ago I was just reading about your confirmation for a lead role in a new drama. I am still reeling in shock after hearing about your death in the news.
I remembered the time when you came to Singapore and I specially went down to Bishan's Junction 8 just to take a peek at you. I've still got photos of you then, the person who made myheart skip a beat. You have definitely played a special role in my teenage years with dramas like Winter Sonata and Loving You.
Tears are welling now and what pained me was the fact that you had a lot of friends but no one to share your troubles with. I cannot imagine the anguish you were going through in hiding all that feelings from your family, your friends, and the outside world. Suicide is not a solution. I just wished that time could be turned back for you to meet someone who would lead you to the light at the end of the tunnel...
Rest in peace, Park Yong will be sorely missed...
If there is afterlife, hopefully you would have been in a better position by now...
i just wanted to say ...# ;