Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Wow...this will definitely be a blockbuster hit!
Been waiting for this drama to air ever since they released the still shots...
Officially a Moon Geun Young fan now ^_^
Excited to see her good girl to bad girl transformation!

i just wanted to say ...# ;

This is how I feel now...
Because I just realise someone I recently met share the exact same birthday as me...
And what totally blown me away is...
How can two girls with the same birthday come from such different backgrounds...
And yet met in a foreign land under strange circumstances?
Must be fate...
And till now I still cannot get my head round it....
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Sunday, 21 March 2010

I must say I am very disappointed by the 68:20 ratio of votes to reject the ban on Atlantic Bluefin tuna trade.
And my anger seems to be directed towards Japan, the principal tuna-consuming country who went to great extents to convince other countries to support its opposition of the ban.
First, the atrocities of killing and raping during World War II (and the endless denying of those crimes). Then the usage of a loophole in the law to justify its whaling program, all in the name of research(and yet the sale of whale meat is so blatantly obvious). Now, throw in the bitter battle of the bluefin tuna.
Well done, Japan! I would love to see the expressions of your descendents when the bluefin tuna becomes extinct in the future. Will you play another round of denying or blaming and shaming game again?
Yet, I am ashamed of the Chinese eating shark's fins and regarding it as one of the prized delicacy. When there is a demand, there will always be supply - blame it on globalisation and consumerism. Seeing that sharks will be next on the menu for the UN Widelife meet, let's hope these species will succeed in swimming against the currents.
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
This is really bad...
It is almost the end of the week...
But none of those things I am chasing has arrived yet...
I feel like a volcano with a blocked vent while magma continues to rise...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Friday, 5 March 2010
Felt like a loanshark these days...
Chasing people about my results and allowances...
Getting frustrated now...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Thanks Rong Rong!
Have tried the new shower gel today...and I love it!
Going to smell like subtle strawberries for the whole day now :)
(and Splodge is sitting by the window accompanying Hedgehog :D )
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Camping out in the computer cluster again.
Without the temptation of a bed, and my laptop for watching anime/dramas, I believe I might be able to work better.
Only a bottle of lukewarm coffee to accompany me, the night seems really long now...
And I bloody need to finish writing my literature review by this week!
i just wanted to say ...# ;