<body> My Story..My Life...

An average girl with big dreams
To spread her wings...
...and fly to the end of the world


27th - Management Exam
30th - Submission of CDJM Essay
30th - Nursing Graduation Ball

6th - Going back home for good and the end of a phase in my life
9th - National Day


Rong Rong

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  • October 2010

  • ...MUSIC




    Many thanks to Ice Angel for this wonderful layout!

    Saturday, 20 February 2010

    Prior to blogging, I was tracing a major expressway from Barcelona on Google Map...randomly choosing directions whenever I reached a crossroad...and I ended up in Toulouse!

    That is when it suddenly hit me...that I LOVE maps! Wait, that is an underestimation...
    More like, I cannot live without maps!

    One of my favourite pastime is to go onto Google Maps and look at the world and different cities in each countries...

    Perhaps I am obsessed about wanting to view all things at one glance...
    Perhaps looking at maps helps fulfil my dreams of travelling around the world.
    After all, there are no limits to my imagination!

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Friday, 19 February 2010

    Confession of a shopaholic:

    Yes, I have spent too much. AGAIN.
    The power of a debit card in the world of electronic shopping is never to be underestimated.
    Claiming that I have been controlled by female hormones is just an excuse.

    I shall therefore promise to have more self-restraints from now on...
    ...At least for the next few months.

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Wednesday, 17 February 2010

    This is who I am...

    Cherie, the Queen of receiving but not replying to texts.

    My friends would know...and be frustrated with me...

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Tuesday, 16 February 2010

    This is the Korean drama catching my eyes at the moment because of a few reasons:

    First, it is a medical drama.

    Second, the female lead is Jang Seo Hee and I just want to see how good she is to deserve the Daesang for 2009 SBS Drama Awards (and my mum is very crazy over Temptation of Wife).

    Third, Ko Joo Won and Suh Ji Suk turn out to be quite cute.

    Last but most importantly, the ending theme is by K.Will (yes, the guy I want to invite to sing in my wedding....or better still, be standing beside me as my groom :P).

    Watched the first two episodes (still waiting for the rest to be uploaded)....and I have already learnt something new: Harlequin Ichthyosis
    For the brave hearted (and curious minded), do look up this term. I bet that you will definitely be surprised!

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Saturday, 13 February 2010

    I seem to have the ability to make people cry...

    But I am not going to apologise for that...

    Because crying is therapeutic...

    So, it's okay to cry...

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Thursday, 11 February 2010

    Well disappointed with Internet Explorer...

    Even Mozilla Firefox is starting to fail me...

    That's it! I am switching to Google Chrome now...

    And I'm lovin' it :)

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Monday, 8 February 2010

    I know I have been really worried...

    What I feared most has come true...

    As fast as a lightning, it strikes you in the face...

    But there is nothing I can do to reverse it now...

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Saturday, 6 February 2010


    New drama to chase! And plenty of eye candies to look at :P

    Should not have watched the first episode...because having to wait one week for each episode is killing me!

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Thursday, 4 February 2010

    It is only the beginning of this semester but already I can see it going downhill.

    It is really bothering me (and hurting too). The dynamics and balance of things these days are not the same.

    With the dissertation, supportive and palliative care module (the module I fear most), and the start of another round of placement next week, I must admit I am stressed. And perhaps so is everyone.

    Maybe my behaviour these days is my way of escaping from reality and back into the comfort of my tortoise shell. Therefore, I must apologise to friends I have hurt because of what I have done (or not done).

    Or maybe I should heed advice and just forget and ignore everything now.

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Wednesday, 3 February 2010

    在快速生活找到一些 从容
    在复杂世界有多一点 天真
    常常欢笑 嚼嚼麦当劳
    在快速生活找到一些 从容
    在复杂世界有多一点 天真
    常常欢笑 嚼嚼麦当劳
    常常欢笑 嚼嚼麦当劳

    Song lyrics from David Tao 陶喆's 我喜欢(芭乐情歌版)
    Very meaningful lyrics...
    Exactly the kind of peaceful state I am trying to achieve...
    Is that too much to ask for?

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Tuesday, 2 February 2010

    I fell off my chair laughing again.

    During Star Golden Bell, when asked what is the capital city of England, Onew of SHINee answered Manchester because of ManU....haha :D

    Other classic answers:
    Capital of Italy: Kahi of After School answered Greece. Narsha of BEG answered spagetti...:p

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;

    Monday, 1 February 2010

    Question: When do you know you are really tired and your brain cease to function anymore?

    Answer: When you opened the cap of your facial wash and tried to squueze it onto your toothbrush. Your arms did it on reflex action and no thought process passes through your brain.

     - i just wanted to say ...# ;