Sunday, 31 January 2010
反省, 反省, 再反省...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
The power and temptation of internet shopping is......
just too scary o.O
Think I may have went overboard this time...
Then again, you hardly see Cherie being rebellious
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
In the past, these are the reasons why I am not fond of people who smoke:
- They do not know how to appreciate their own lives
- They are contributing to air pollution
- People around them are suffering because of their passive smoke
Now, I have a brand new reason to hate smoking dissertation.
i just wanted to say ...# ;
It is the first time in ages since I've woken up so early in the morning...
and I meant wee hours of the morning...
What first started was an excruciating cramp that took me two hours of constant hot drinks (and Jap drama) to get rid of...
What is left is a very awake and cheerful me...
And I must say, I really like (and miss) this feeling...
To be awake when no one else is...(:
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Sunday, 24 January 2010
"the process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, tirggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self, and which results in a changed conceptual perspective" (Boyd and Fales 1985)
Reflections, that is what I have been doing every now and then...
but more frequently for the past few weeks...
Because snippets of the past returns to haunt me, engulf me and and to savour my bitterness slowly and deliberately...
Those more than often nightmares is an indication...
Reflections on my personality, character, behaviour and interactions with people whom I have met always end up with one question...
Have I fail as a daughter, as an elder sister, as a niece and cousin, and as a friend?
No matter how much I regret about the things done (or not done), there is no way I can turn back time and undo hurtful things...
And here I am, trying desperately to patch things up...
To be ignorant...
To pretend that those events did not happen...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Had a very interesting topic with Rong Rong today regarding meeting the opposite sex.
Rong: Do you think it's highly likely you're going to meet the opposite sex at the workplace.
*lets not talk about the nurses all being female*
I think the only way somebody is going to talk to you and strike a friendship is when they been through certain things or events with you, so let's say.......a totally difficult patient that needs 24/7 care
Cherie: no...coz i am still uncomfortable...
Rong: And you two are like the only ones who have to slog it out
and then, of course he must be a bit more proactive as in.....
he does most of the talking at first.
as in nonsensical talking, just normal talking
will you find chatty guys annoying?
or maybe he makes you laugh
*wonders whether cherie would laugh*
*wonders what does the opposite sex have to do to make cherie laugh*
*surely appearing as a fool won't appeal*
*deadpan one-liners?*
Cherie: haha....why are u creating all these hypothetical situations...
Rong: *awesome problem solving and being efficient in whatever he does!*
*but then that's just winning respect*
and it's hard for you to respect somebody right.
as in...not like super hard
but need certain qualities or certain standards.
*of course we're not talking KPop entertainers here*
Cherie: I love how u are talking to ur brain :p
Rong: *Rong has decided that this is a subject that she needs to talk to Thuy and formulate hypothetical situations with, and doing so in front of Cherie*
*has Kath ever hypothesized?*
Cherie: no....haha...
Rong: *face fell*
*i was hoping*
*evil grin*
*just like when you're hungry and you see sushi*
Cherie: haha! speaking of it..i love food more than the opposite sex....HAHAHA
Rong: *that's obvious*
nobody rejects food, baby
*loves food more than anything. therefore, theoretically speaking, the guy must know his sashimi from his sushi - point noted*
Oh my goodness, I was hugging my tummy from laughing too hard! If I could fall off my chair laughing, it would probably happen!
Fun times when you are talking to friends! And Rong, I hope you will not mind that I posted our conversation in my blog :)
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
And I thought a bit of alcohol would help me sleep better at night...
I guess not...
Feeling really tired but not able to sleep well...
Am I suffering from insomnia?
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Well, lots of things happened I figured out it might be good to note them all down in my blog for remembrance :)
Received a text from Rong Rong earlier this morning at 6am saying that it was snowing crazily outside. Sadly, I heard my mobile chiming away but did not wake up to have a look at the text. So when I finally had a look at the text at 7.30am, the snow had lighten up. However, I was really shocked at what I saw outside my window. Never had I witness such abundance of snow in Manchester the point that even the bare trees are white with snow! Have a look at these pictures to get what I mean...

Picture outside my window at 7.30am. Look at how the Hilton hotel is half covered in fog.

Picture outside my window at 11.00am
Guess the sky had taken a dump on Manchester..and pretty much everywhere else in the UK... just look at how thick the snow is...

Well, despite all the traffic disruptions and school closure, today is definitely a pretty day! :)
Finally removed my Mepore and washed my biopsy wounds. Not a pretty sight at all...makes me wonder if I had made the correct decision to volunteer for skin biopsy. Had to keep monitoring the wounds and get Thuy to remove the stitches next Thursday :(
And finally, I received a text from a close nursing friend. Thuy thought she was joking and went Omg OmG oMG!!! :p
Well, I doubt she knows the existence of my blog, but if you are reading this...
Rebecca, congrats on being engaged today! And be proposed to in an enchanting city like Edinburgh is too! I know you have been waiting for this day to arrive so you have my heartfelt wishes :) *party poppers*
Heading to Birmingham tomorrow...Thuy, don't forget to pick me up at the coach station! ^-^
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Saturday, 2 January 2010
A pictorial summary of significant events during my winter holidays :)
On Christmas Day, Kitty invited me to her house for a Christmas lunch. Had to walk all the way from my place to her place (about an hour plus) because there was only one bus service that day and it runs every hour o.O
I thought I could do it but my confidence dropped drastically when I stepped on the ice and snow. The entire Manchester was like a skating rink. I wonder how busy the A&E would be with all those people who fell.

Michelle (her housemate) build this snowman and snowcat in the foyer of the house. Aren't they cute?

Thank you Kitty for this wonderful traditional Christmas meal! I love those Christmas trees candles and crackers!
Then later at night, I had Christmas dinner with Rong Rong, Joshur and his classmates from back home. They made a huge turkey and other yummylicious dishes :) Thanks guys for making Christmas this year one of the best!
And of course, I remembered to send a card to Katherine wishing the birthday girl a Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas :) Hope she received lots of love and presents from her family and friends!
Then time flew by and it was the last day of year 2009. Had no plans to watch the countdown and fireworks display but the sound of fireworks outside my window were simply irresistable. Managed to convince Rong Rong to come and countdown with me :P

One part of the 10.5 minutes fireworks display, shooting off at the count of 0!

The Manchester Eye on the last day of year 2009...people actually get to sit on it that night and watch the fireworks display in the cars. Awesome!

A very nice lady blocked the stream of people passing by so that both of us could have this picture taken. Thanks Rong Rong for accompanying me! It will be my last year after all :D
Overall it had been a really good night, although my toes was so cold it hurt. Did I mention that it was -3 degree celsius that night? I even had to prepare a hot water bottle to warm up my feet while I was in bed :P
i just wanted to say ...# ;