27th - Management Exam
30th - Submission of CDJM Essay
30th - Nursing Graduation Ball
6th - Going back home for good and the end of a phase in my life
9th - National Day
Rong Rong
Many thanks to Ice Angel for this wonderful layout!
On the K.Will rage now :)
Such meaningful lyrics...such strong emotions in the song...
Have you ever been in the position where you like someone but is afraid of telling him/her?
On a side note, Brilliant Legacy rocks!
Hope Lee Seung Gi and Han Hyo Joo will win in SBS Drama awards for "Best Couple" :D
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Another video to post!
Guess who sang this song?
Of course it is K.Will! Who else has such brilliant vocals?
Been listening to it on the radio for some time.
Took me a while to find out the title of the song.
Turns out that it is from Soul Special's "Saranghandan Mareul Motaeso (They Can't Love)"
Lovin' Han Hyo Joo as the actress and K.Will as the singer :)
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Heard K.Will's Teardrops on the radio today. Knew I just had to go look for the video. And I came across this...
This is simply beautiful!
A collaboration between K.Will and Brown Eyed Girls on MBC Music Travel LaLaLa.
Love this rendition of K.Will's Miss Miss Miss and Teardrops <3
With every muscical notes plucking at my heartstrings, I am falling in love with K.Will all over again :)
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Ok, I am wrong. The scene outside my window is now progressing into a mini snow blizzard. All I can see is a flurry of white.
Luckily I did my grocery shopping yesterday when the sun was out. Wouldn't want to risk being caught in the snow like this.
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Checked the BBC website for the weather forecasr of Manchester today...disappointed that there is no snowfall predicted.
However, the weather certainly knows how to surprise. Just as I was taking a break from my laptop and turned towards the window, there it was. Snow.
Today's snowfall is different from the past few days. The snowflakes are smaller, lighter and falling ever so gently. Not blizzard-like two days ago.
Very pristine, very serene.
Now the question is, will it snow on Christmas?
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This a picture I have taken of the sign at the front gate of the Auschwitz concentration camp during Easter vacation 2009.
The reason for putting that picture in this blog now is because the German language sign 'Arbeit Macht Frei' ('Work makes you free') has been stolen from the former Nazi Auschwitz death camp. Come to think of it, I am lucky to have visited the camp when the sign was still there.
The sign was intended to delude Jews and others brought to the camp to be gassed to death into thinking they were entering a work camp. This brought back memories when I was at the Auschwitz concentration camp museum. Over there, you can see displays of suitcases and personal belongings of people who are brought there to be gassed. Some of the suitcases still have names on them. One of the most shocking thing is that bodies of those gassed were treated as 'things', meaning body parts such as fats and hair can be separated and be sold for a sum of money.
I am not surprised that the theft of the sign sparks an international outcry, especially within the Jews. The thief (as well as private collectors) should be ashamed of themselves for stealing something that bears the very presence of those outrageous war crimes of Nazi Germany.
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Was on the verge of tears because of those touching anecdotes of daily life on
And an hour later, I had to wipe tears from the corners of my eyes because I was laughing too hard at some of the funniest things that happened to people all over the world on
GMH... and FML :P
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This is really bad.
I spent more time with someone else's supervisor rather than my own.
Just felt I don't click with mine.
And placement has been really crazy this week (and it is my last week!)
Really glad I am in the balcony and not in the main ward...
Gives me more time to focus on what I am doing.
Got the chance to insert two catheters and take bloods from patients...*shivers in excitment*
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Just discovered something...
A suspicion of the past has come true...
Need to get it off my chest but no one I can turn to without brewing a storm within the family....
Shall I adopt a "wait and see" approach before taking any actions?
Or would that be too late?
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The annoying headache came back today. AGAIN. Felt really tired, as if any amount of sleep will not compensate my tiredness.
Got the wrong change for the cashier. Not being my usual self.
Today's seminar in the afternoon was funny because my seminar leader had a badge on that says "Party Animal". He told us randomly that he hated Sainsburys with a passion because of one incident. Here goes...
Now, isn't my seminar leader simply adorable? ^_^
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Never knew I was scary...
well, I know it deep inside my heart despite my denials...
but I never knew I was THAT SCARY...
Was having a throbbing migraine on my way back to Manchester after placement in bus 192.
Then a guy board the bus and sat next to me because the bus was full.
Almost like a reflex action, I shot the guy a glare.
The guy actually said "Sorry" to me even before he sat down.
However, if looks can kill, this guy would never have made it to his stop.
His mobile was permanently stuck to his ear and his mouth was never shut. For a good half hour!
Why do some people talk forever on their mobile?
Wish I've got something offhand to stuff his mouth.
Seriously annoyed. There goes my well deserved rest. And my migraine is not helping the situation either.
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Never realise how good and nolstagic sambal belachan taste...
I could just eat them with plain white rice :D
Thank goodness for that two bottles I brought over...
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Do you think ladybird looks cute? On the contrary, it scared the hell out of me!
Just as I turned my head away from my medicines management essay to look at the reference book, it was crawling leisurely on the top page!
As a result, I squished this fella to death with a plastic container...(It was an accident, but I'm sure the vicious side of me showed up.)
Am I labelled a murderer now?
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What are friends?
Friends are those idiots that still stand by you when you make a terrible mistake!
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