27th - Management Exam
30th - Submission of CDJM Essay
30th - Nursing Graduation Ball
6th - Going back home for good and the end of a phase in my life
9th - National Day
Rong Rong
Many thanks to Ice Angel for this wonderful layout!
Looks like it's proper winter now...
Damn, I am freezing!
Been experiencing these really bad headaches during the past few nights.
It first started off in my dream. In my dream, I was experiencing a severe and dull pain in my head that I can't seem to shake off. The pain got so excruciating that I woke up from the dream, only to find that the headache was real. I could just dismissed it if it only happened for a night but that is not the case. These dream-like headaches are happening every night.
I am really reluctant to go see a doctor...what do I do?
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Have you ever read those essays you have written in the past and think "How on earth did I manage to write them?"?
Wish I can find the answer...because I am freaked out by Level 3 writing...
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It has been decided!
I have a love hate relationship with OMGKPOP SRadioClub...
Hate how when DJ OTTO (a pun from auto DJ) is on, most songs' titles always appear as ??? on my screen...
and when I heard a song I like, I have to do some investigation and digging around...
However, the immense satisfaction you get when you find the answers! That is what I love about SRadioClub. They throw in some nice ballads of artistes who are making a comeback but not actively promoting those songs. These ballads definitely know which heartstrings to pluck at... *major grin*
My latest catch: Ivy's Goodbye Tears
My heart skipped a couple of beats when she sang "Annyeong"
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Realised I've missed Subway sandwich, double chocolate chip cookies, and McDonald's apple pie a lot...
Thanks Thuy for today!
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Loved a song I heard a few times in SRadioClub...
Been trying to find the title and singer of the song but my laptop does not support the Hangul language function, so the title will appear as weird symbols.
Went to the chatroom to ask anyone if they knew what the song is but no one knew :(
Then suddenly when the song played just now, a nagging suspicion hit me.
"That is Wheesung's voice, isn't it?"
Felt like a detective there :)
Now that is one mystery solved...and one burden down :)
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One reason why I don't drink...
Because no one, not even the guys, will be able to carry me back home if I ever get drunk...
A good enough reason?
Thuy, if you ever read this,
Don't worry about how drunk you got that day...
We all still love you <3
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许欣婷, 已经哭过了就不可以再哭!
放飞机, 谁没被放过? 自己就经历过几次...
可我气的不是被放飞机, 而是到了地点后, 朋友要我先回家然后在等她的电话再出发...
我很多时间是吗? 这样很好玩是吗?
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鼻子一阵酸, 眼泪突然一颗一颗落下...
这种情绪起伏好陌生, 好可怕...
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This is it! She's the female panda bound for Singapore!
According to Straits Times (14/11/09), the female panda is still on a milk diet and will be weaned between two and two and a half years old. 'They are at an age where they are most active and adorable,' said the official.
The one year old female and two year old male are currently in China's panda reserve in Sichuan province.
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Went to watch the Manchester Christmas Lights Up 2009 at Albert Square in front of the clock tower yesterday...
Fabulous fireworks display...more amazing than the Bonfire Night ones :)
Rebecca told me that fireworks for christmas lights up are always better and more spectacular than the Bonfire night ones...
Darn, and to think I've missed two years of Christmas Lights Up...
And I apologise for the poor quality of the pictures...
Have to take pictures with my mobile phone because my camera ran out of batteries :P
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许欣婷, 你再也不是小孩子了...
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Inner demons coming out of my heart and devouring my flesh slowly...
Scenes from J2 keep flashing across my mind.
Afraid that the same situation will repeat itself again...
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Think I have swallowed a fish bone...
But the weird thing is...
I do not have fish for dinner...
So, what have I swallowed?
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