Thursday, 28 May 2009
A summary of my life so far...
First, I am glad I won the battle with the school regarding the date for mandatory training. Now, I can fly back home on the date I had set previously.
Second, this semester's exams are HORRIBLE! Worse than NY's physics papers...I have never felt so unprepared for an exam before. Forgetting information just as I entered the exam hall...not enough time to finish writing what I want...don't know how to structure my answers...the girl beside me finished writing way before me and had a grin pasted on her get the idea...o.O All I hoping is for a pass in both papers *prays*
Third, my elective placement has started. Always wanted to try a surgical ward after being in a medical ward for my previous placement. Furthermore, I have taken a great interest in oncology and haematology ever since working in NUH Cancer Centre after A Level's. Although things are too early to decide, I have a feeling I might like my previous placement better. Maybe I am still not used to the working pace and policies of a new trust. Feel that my mentor in this placement area is too reserved about letting student nurses try new things. Speaking of my mentor, she is leaving in less than a month for a new job, so I think I will get a new mentor. Or not. My future seems rocky...o.O
I want 12th July to come faster...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Decided to give my blog a fresh change of skin. Took me quite a few days to search for skins that I like... and a few hours to decide on the type of layout I want among my favourite skins.
Bits and bobs of changes...but the most obvious one would be the genre of skin used. Having a struggle in my mind if I should get rid of the childish side of me...
Many things have happened since the last post. Will find a time to update. In the meanwhile, do provide feedback about the new layout of my blog!
Shall turn in now...*yawns*
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Sunday, 10 May 2009
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Friday, 8 May 2009
And the battle continues. My energy waning...
Just think it is not fair for me to go through all these ordeals again...
Why do heaven wants to test me again and again?
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Argh! Cherie's bad luck remains and continues to strike its terror...
I just hate the way the school organises everything.
My fight with them continues...and I am praying very hard that I will win this time round.
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Sunday, 3 May 2009

Just when I thought there are no good anime this summer season worth chasing, Kateikyo Hitman Reborn! came along...
Truthfully, I did not fall in love with this anime at first. In fact, I was disgusted with the first episode. I mean, what's with the main character suddenly breaking out of his clothes and runs around with only his boxer shorts on? The first few episodes are simply exaggerated, nonsensical and out of this world...enough to make you feel crazy! That is why I never return to this anime unless I have nothing better to watch during dinner time.
HOWEVER, if you manage to survive the first few episodes, congrats! Coz you are on your way to being addicted to this amazing anime! I truly felt the addiction during the Kokuyo Arc...and the rest of the anime just gets better! Comedy aside, one can really see the progression of each character and how they overcome obstacles to become worthy of the Vongola X's family. The strong bond of the family truly shows during the Ring Conflict, where each member fights respective member of the Varia to gain possession of the Vongola Rings.

This is how each member of Tsuna's family look like after the victory of the Ring Conflict.
The best part of the story so far is definitely the Future Arc! Coz that is when I see how each member of the family look like ten years later!!! The general comment from those who followed this anime is that the Future Arc is more violent because all of the characters have powered up and gain new abilities. Some even say the Future Arc sends chills down their spine but for me, I am totally lovin' how the story is becoming more and more serious. If you don't get what I mean, think Harry Potter series.
And now for my favourite character in this anime! Yamamoto Takeshi and Gokudera Hayato come close, but Hibari Kyouya is still the best!

Hibari is the leader of the Discipline Committee of Prefects, who all are delinquents loyal to Hibari. Like his subordinates, he too is a violent delinquent who uses his status to harass other students. However, he prefers to be alone and cares little for his subordinates. His catchphrase is "I'll bite you to death" (kamikorosu), which he says to everyone who he is ready to fight. Hibari is very proud of his school, and is apparently the only person who likes their school's anthem, even using it as his ring tone.

Say hi to Hibari's bird, conveniently shortened to Hibird by Reborn!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Something is bothering me today...and I cannot shake it off my head...
There is this patient in the ward who is very aggressive due to his Alzheimer's disease. He will swear at you, punch you, kick you and anything you can think of. Although exasperated and most of the time fustrated, deep down all the staff know that that is not his true character and he is only behaving this way because of Alzheimer's disease.
Today he is being more agressive than usual. I had a hard time trying to measure his physiological observations and his blood glucose level in the morning. Especially when I prick his finger with the needle, I thought I was going to get punched by him. The doctor was trying to insert a cannula into him and my mentor and I helped to restrain him. But he was too agressive and the situation became too dangerous to proceed on.
He refused his medication and it was feedbacked to the doctor. But the doctor said to mix his medication with water to get him to drink it. I gave no further thoughts about it because I was happy that he drank it all without any problems. However, my mentor then starts asking if it is ethical to trick a vulnerable adult patient into taking his medication that he had refused. The doctor argued that the patient does not have any capacity to think for himself. Is that reason enough to support the stand to trick patients into taking refused medication, or is it really because staff want to make their job easier? I feel troubled..and yet I know there will never be a correct answer to it.
i just wanted to say ...# ;