Sunday, 29 March 2009
I will be leaving for London to meet up with Trina in a few hours. Both of us will be going to Krakow and Prague (and possibly Dresden) this week. Shall post pictures when I am back!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Monday, 23 March 2009
Finally set my heart down and booked air tickets back home in July!
No more going to the website everyday and monitoring the price of plane tickets (felt like a stock broker)...
No more waiting for replies for emails to various people...
No more worrying I am going to overspend my budget...(which I have for plane tickets already)...
No more uneasy feeling...
Looking forward to days after my elective placement!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Saturday, 21 March 2009
So clumsy this was not yet more than half an hour since I woke up when I accidentally cut the base of my index finger with a pair of scissors. Reason being I was cutting stuff without my spectacles on. That seriously woke me up! I was trying to assess the damage done...a deep cut through the skin layer (I had no idea skin on the base of finger can be that thick). Just when I thought there was no blood, blood started oozing out. Geez...
So I had to complete all my household chores with a plaster on. Quite uncomfortable... Told my parents about the unfortunate incident and my mum was asking why the hell am I cutting stuff up without my spectacles when I am technically blind? I could not think of a reason to rebutt...Double geez...
When I took off the plaster at night, I found something familiar! It is a piece of NA dressing on top of the bandage layer! A few days ago when I was changing the dressing for a patient's amputated toe, I was asking my mentor what is the purpose of putting on the NA dressing. And she said it was non-adhesive, so dressing would not stick to the wound and create a sticky mess. Guess plasters work the same way!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Tuesday, 17 March 2009 what do you do when you are in a bad mood? For me, I eat A LOT (in high frequency and large quantity!) But before you eat, what do you need to do when there is no ready food (not even biscuits! I've aniihilated my supply a few days ago...)?
You COOK! It is a really good way of de-stressing, unless your final product looks like something DHLed from Venus or Mars...
I am quite lucky (ironic just looking at things that have happened) that my steamed chicken turns out the way it is supposed to be...

Quite easy to prepare since I had already marinated the chicken wings the night before. All I had to do was to mince the garlic and ginger into paste-like form. The carrots was a completely last minute idea (feel I could do with a bit of orange in my life to brighten up). Was going to dice the carrots initially but settled with shredded ones because they absorbed the juice better. The juice matched the rice so well I could go for seconds! Seriously, one chicken wing was not enough...
Steaming food is definitely going to be very high up on my list now. Why? Well, putting all the healthy talks aside, it is SO MUCH EASIER to wash the dishes later on (I should say there was practically nothing to wash!). Still quite surprised my wok can actually steam chicken without the bamboo steamer that I was so tempted to invest in...
For now, bon appetit!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
A VERY VERY bad afternoon yesterday. Problem not solved I am in a very bad mood today...
Am I being unlucky again? Why do such things always happen to me?
i just wanted to say ...# ;