Thursday, 5 February 2009
I cannot tell if this will be the best day in placement, but I will definitely say it is the more memorable one!
My mentor had arranged for me to accompany a patient for his angiogram today. While waiting for the paramedics to arrive, I did patient observations and drug rounds first. Finally the ambulance men came and off we go to Rochdale Infirmary!
It was snowing and as I was looking out at the landscape from the inside of the ambulance, everything was white. It was already snowing as soon as I stepped out of my room to go to North Manchester General. But the snow in Rochdale was on a different level. Much thicker! My guess is that because Rochdale is up further north...
While the waiting for the procedure and the transport could be boring, I did not regret attending this spoke placement at all! Besides watching how the angiogram was carried out, I even get to change into scrubs! *breaks into a wide grin here*
Btw, I have added a chatbox below the music player. So feel free to make comments! To keep the boring me entertained!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Monday, 2 February 2009
继昨夜的麻辣火锅 (真的得谢谢 Rong Rong 和 Joshur 的安排!), 本小姐我又想吃些辣的, 于是用了冰箱里仅剩的鸡翅, 再放入些土豆和胡萝卜, 随便弄了道土豆胡萝卜焖鸡翅. 除此之外, 主要是因为刚买了李锦记的辣豆瓣酱, 一直想跃跃欲试. 以下就是我的成品了:
因为懒得摆盘, 所以外观和卖相都不好...:P
土豆因为先前浸泡在洗米水, 所以焖起来比较入味. 为了收汁, 鸡翅焖了相当久, 肉的弹性恰到好处, 土豆胡萝卜也因此松软可口. 下次应该放些干辣椒, 或辣椒酱什么的...更麻辣应该更好吃吧! 本小姐就喜欢偏辣的食物!
i just wanted to say ...# ;