Sunday, 23 November 2008

Writing this on a Sunday to mark the end of the queer week I had..a week that felt like a dream. Whether it was a good dream or a nightmare, I simply cannot decide...
Last Thursday, K drove me to West Timperley Medical Centre where I would meet my mentor and she would meet hers. K normally drives me to our placement area if both our mentors happen to arrange for us to meet them at the same venue at the same time. However, K was having tonsillitis that day but she could not text me in time for me to catch my bus. It just so happened that her mentor was off sick and so I told my mentor that K was not feeling well and if she could go back home earlier. After much discussion, turned out that K had arranged a spoke in the afternoon at Trafford General and I was to go in place of her since she was going home. Now here comes the problem. Timperley is in south Trafford and Trafford General Hospital is in west Trafford. I could just simply take 245 or 247 and arrive at the hospital directly. However, bad luck as I am always, I did not have enough change for bus fare that day and I could not get any cash out of the cash machine with my debit card. Being prideful, I did not borrow any money from strangers or my mentor. In the end, I had to hop onto bus 41 from Timerley back to Manchester, which took an hour, and another bus 256 from Manchester to Trafford General, which took another hour. Does it sound ridiculous? Perhaps, because I forgot to add that bus 245 and 247 are run by Arriva bus company and I only had Stagecoach bus company Unirider with me. I could not describe how apologetic I was when I was half an hour late...
That was not the end of Thursday. I went to a seminar about the effects of radiation by a doctor from Christie Hospital. Turned out that the lecturer did not turn up at all. As frustrating as it was, I felt more sorry for the organisers of the seminar who were trying to raise funds for the Chernobyl Children's Project. 真是空欢喜一场...
Went down to Christie Hospital to different wards trying to arrange my elective placement. But all the ward sisters were not working that day. So I had to go down this morning again. Found out that the ward sisters are only coming in the afternoon. Had to go down in the afternoon AGAIN. But I managed to get accepted in a surgical oncology ward. Finally, things are starting to bear some fruits...In the end, I left the hospital grinning like an idiot. 藏不住心里的喜悦...:D
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Friday, 21 November 2008
It is time for you to reflect on your character. After being told "你很没有胆" so many times, aren't you tired of it?
Stop being so meek! What is so scary about going down to hospitals and ask the ward managers if you can undertake your elective placement at their wards? So what if they reject you or give you false promises? Remember, the sky is not going to fall on you because of that. Neither are you going to fall down and be crushed by that. This is not your first time being rejected, so get a grip!
Stop being such a coward and go wild! Be more proactive and approach someone else first! Dare to try things that you would not in the past and not give a heck about what happens after. Consequences and responsibilities can come later...
天塌下来又怎么样? 我是一直打不死的蟑螂!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Saturday, 8 November 2008

In an emo mood suddenly...
Was looking at some photos in someone's album...and it struck me hard that friendship can be quite fragile...things feel different, and I am pretty certain things have changed.
Am I missing out on a lot of things? :(
Something happened between a friend whom I known and her friend since childhood. This prompted me to reflect on how good I am as a friend. I must say I failed quite miserably... Thoughts of what happened in RJ came back to me, and I really regreted for what I had done. If anything happens, I would be guilty for life. Don't ask me why I acted that way, I am still searching for the answer...
Hard to maintain a friendship. What was best friends in primary or secondary school may be nothing more than strangers when you progress on to the next phase of your life... 孤掌难鸣 takes two hands to clap...guess this is how friendship works...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Friday, 7 November 2008
It has been more than 24 hours since I had my dinner that I suspected had gone bad...
Nothing is wrong rushing to the toilet at unearthly hour...
Hypothesis proven: Cherie do have a strong stomach!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Eating my dinner now...has been a long day...
Either the cabbage or the rice had gone bad...coz it smelled and tasted slightly sour...
But I felt guilty about wasting I carried on eating my dinner...
Just wait and see what happens tonight or tomorrow...:S
i just wanted to say ...# ;