Thursday, 28 February 2008
Why have I been blogging more often lately? Is it because blogging is my only way of expressing myself these days?
Strange enough, I have been hit by intermittent waves of sadness and loneliness lately, particularly this week...
Maybe because I have not spoke to my parents for a week, and I have quite a number of things to tell them...
Maybe because Kath is still in Aberdeen and I have no idea when she is coming back?
Maybe because of the epidemiology essay that has been bugging me?
Maybe because of Tantei Gakuen Q that prompt me to look at the world in a different perspective?
Maybe...Maybe...Too many maybe...
And here to apologise to people who are victims of my lack of expressions because I am an absolute 'baka' when it comes to expressing my thoughts in situations...Sorry if that cause any misunderstandings...I am too tired to explain myself all the time...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
This is so so exciting!
Yesterday, or rather this early morning, just before 1 am, an earthquake of magnitude 5.3 happened. According to the BBC News, this is the largest earthquake in UK for the past 25 years!
I was sleeping in my bed. Then my bed started shaking quite violently and I was being tossed about. At that time (in my half-groggy state), I heard some banging noises from my neighbour's room, and I was thinking "What the hell is he doing?" But after a few seconds, I realised that something is wrong (and was feeling quite nauseous)! So actually it was the earthquake...(and I had blame it all on my neighbour :P)
Well, after living in Singapore for close to 19 years, I have never experienced an earthquake before. But I have not even lived in Manchester for a year yet, I experience tremors of an earthquake! *speechless*
One thing for sure, Manchester has given me lots of memories. First snowfall in Manchester...First earthquake in Manchester...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
I guess I know part of the reason why I am fat...the answer lies with the snacks I have been eating every night...
Strange enough, even though I am not feeling hungry, my mind just constantly think about food and my mouth is kind of itching...
Haiz, is that what people call emotional eating?
Now, while my hand is drawing the structures of the female reproductive system, my brain is thinking of that piece of bak kwa lying in the fridge...
When I am going to escape this vicious cycle? Indeed, being fatter than I already am is vicious. The worse thing is, my 减肥大计划 is totally not taking effects...:(
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Had a video call with my parents today...
Turns out that I will be able to make it for my cousin's wedding banquet!
So 巧! Because initially before I left, I heard that the wedding will be held in Oct/Nov period. Was feeling quite sad that I will be missing it...
But then when my aunt asked my parents when I will be coming back to S'pore, she said that I will be able to make it in time because the wedding will be on 14th September (which happens to be 八月十五中秋节)and I am leaving on the 16th. Initially I thought of going back to Manchester on the 13th, but turns out that heaven knows better and made me decide to return on the 16th instead...
I just simply love wedding banquet. Partly because of the happy mood but mostly because of the yummy food I get to eat! 哈哈!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Friday, 22 February 2008
I guess this is the thing about living in learn how to tolerate and compromise...
Just two days ago, the toilet in my corridor was blocked (for reasons I don't know) and I had to go and report it to the maintenance team. Then tonight, just when I was able to use the toilet, on the door there was an A4 size piece of paper saying
Well, judging from how it is written in capital letters, it is not rocket science to figure out that my neighbour (I suspect it is the one on my right) is very angry. But to stick a note like this and threaten everyone, I am afraid this will spoil the harmony and peace in the corridor (not like there is any to begin with. Everyone just minds their own business...).
Well, I have no idea who is the one dumping food waste in the toilet, but as long as it is not me, I don't think I should comment any further. I just pray for some new, nice and quiet neighbours next year...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Well, I guess in the afternoon I am either taking a nap or watching anime/ I kind of like afternoon...:D
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Saturday, 16 February 2008
作词:陈震/施人诚 作曲:郑楠 演唱:S.H.E
天有点冷 风有点大 城市宁静而喧哗
问自己习惯了吗 没有你每到夜里回声变得好大
有没有什么好方法 让寂寞变听话
你最近还好吗 是不是也在思念里挣扎
你最近还好吗 忙碌吗累吗心还会痛吗
如果真不得已忘了我 快向快乐出发
有再多的牵挂都已没有权利表达 (没有权利表达)
旧情人给的问候比陌生人还尴尬 (都还尴尬)
昨天远了 明天还长 回忆模糊但巨大
问自己习惯了吗 没有你每到夜里回声变得好大
有没有什么好方法 让寂寞变听话
你最近还好吗 是不是也在思念里挣扎
你最近还好吗 忙碌吗累吗心还会痛吗
如果真不得已忘了我 快向快乐出发
你最近还好吗 是不是也在思念里挣扎
你最近还好吗 忙碌吗累吗心还会痛吗
如果真不得已忘了我 快向快乐出发
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Friday, 15 February 2008
tagged by jiex...and only doing this coz she wants to see my answer...:S
1.如果愛人背叛你.你會怎樣? 和他一刀两断, 再潇洒地过我的生活 (还可能把他推进新加坡河里。。。)
3.你夢想的婚禮? 一个即浪漫又有大家的祝福的婚礼。。。
4.對前途.你迷惘嗎? 有工作了, 接下来的事没人知道。。。
5.你心中的理想情人是怎样的? 比我高。。。体贴。。。尊敬我父母。。。明白与了解我的人。。。
6.愛人或被人愛哪一種更幸福? 当然是被爱,但是他必须是我爱的人。
7.對著自己喜歡的人.雖然他/她不接受你.你還會堅持下去嗎? 爱人很累的。。。因情况而异吧。。。
8.如果有人強迫妳做不喜歡的事情,但她是為妳好的,妳會怎么做.? 看是谁吧。。。如果是父母的话, 一定听命。。。
9.最近有什麽事情最令你不開心? 不断增加的体重。。。
10.最想得到什麽? 幸福
11.這樣的點名,覺得好玩嗎? 不错
12.如果你發現你的好朋友和自己的男/女朋友在一起.你會怎樣? 如果他们是真心相爱的话, 就成全他们吧。。。
14.你觉得我是个怎么样的人? 一个感情丰富, 泪水容易泛滥的女孩。。。从她对动物的关心, 容易看得出来她是一个心地善良的人。。。一个绝对值得认识的好朋友!
15.最難忘的事情是什麽? 到英国的那一天。。。
18。如果你同时爱上两个人, 你会如何选择? 会有这个可能吗?
tag: How to tag when I don't know that many people who have a blog and can read chinese?
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Received my results for A&P, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Study Skills today. Was quite happy because I have never since such a big number ever since I had graduated from primary school. :):):):D
All I am waiting now is my Sociology mark...*pray*
Shall not let this get into my head...Cherie, 加油!Gambatte!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Feel as though my entire world has been annihilated when my relatives said...
"Aiyoh! 为什么变这么胖了?"
Okay, I know I have been snacking quite a lot because dinner is always too early and my hunger pangs return at about 8+pm...
Plus the fact that I haven been really physically active, especially so when after I had received my Unirider card...
Ok...from now on (till whichever day I last), no more supper or chocolate for me...
Do at least 90 crunches per day...
Hope I will be able to improve when summer comes...*scampers off to design crazy workout routine*
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Although today is Chinese New Year's Eve, it feels nothing like that at all...
When I looked at the time in my laptop, I will be thinking "oh, my family having reunion dinner at grandma's house", "oh, my parents are doing their praying things now, while my bro probably watching those CNY's eve festive variety shows" and so on...
To speak the truth, if I am not sad, that is definitely a lie, no matter how much I want to hide it. After all, it is my first Chinese New Year away from my family...and I missed being around everyone...
However, it is my decision to come abroad to Cherie, get this into your head. There is no time for you to feel melancholy! You have three essays to complete and the problem with the placement and spokes have yet to be sorted out...
Seriously, what a way to start off year 2008...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Friday, 1 February 2008
Was playing Neopets on my laptop when suddenly at 11pm on 1st February 2008, the internal phone in my room rang. It was Rong. In an excited voice, she delivered some news that I have been craving for so long...
That was what she said. And this three simple words totally made my day! Grabbing just a jacket and a scarf (while I am still in my T-shirt, pyjamas trousers and slippers), I rushed down the block...
And there it was! What I had been waiting for ages...SNOW!!! At first, they were little round balls of ice cascading down from the sky, immediately dyeing the earth white. Slowly and gradually, they transformed into velvety pieces of snow that float ever so gracefully into the arms of Earth. My gaze was transfixed at the sky...the scene was just so pretty!
Then I rushed back into my room to grab my camera and met up with Kath and Rong outside Fiddes. We then walked to the outdoor tennis court to start our "rave". From an outsider point of view, there were three mad girls shouting in joy and jumping around. Well, as this is only my first time seeing a proper snowfall (those that can cover the whole ground white), I am more than eligible to be crazy just for this special night! The three of us wrote and drew on the snow-covered ground, leaving our prints everywhere we go. I must have been smiling when an idiot when I wrote 欣婷到此一游 on the snow. I even made a snow angel, though it was partially successful because the height of snow is not ideal...
1st of February 2008, I will always remember this special moment!
i just wanted to say ...# ;