Sunday, 1 July 2007

Confused. Really confused.
What A wrote in the email to me is really confusing. I did not know how to tell if a course is offering direct honours. And if it really matters in my life. If they wanted me to study in some other uni, I am all right with it. But I am not clear of all my options and I do not know how to go about applying for other unis. Not when the deadline is yesterday and that I have already submitted my UCAS application in Jan this year. Sigh! Can someone please show me a light out of my mess?
Hoping that both A and U Man will send me a reply soon.
Regarding work, I have to constantly remind myself that I just have to bear for a month only. To convince myself that a month will soar by me in no time at all. JCI is coming in a week's time, and I have absolutely n o preparation at all. Wanted to take leave but was rejected due to the lack of staff. I just hope I will not be asked any question so that I will not be the sole cause of the downfall of a hospital. AS for PR issues, the tension is still there, but as long as I assume ignorance to a few particular people, I guess I can still survive. No worth it to let them spoil my day.
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix is coming up soon. No doubt I will be watching, but things have changed and it will not be the same anymore, not when 家明哥哥 is not here to watch it with us. My brother and I wanted to bring the laptop and DVD to the hospital but we do not know how to make him sit upright throughout the movie. :(
i just wanted to say ...# ;