Saturday, 16 June 2007
I guess I can rely on my good old blog to thrash out all my troubles and anger.
First, university matter
I still have not hear from Uni Manchester ever since that time I received my package on the pre-health screening...I have emailed the person in charge but she has yet to reply me yet. I am seriously afraid that something has gone wrong and I do not know what it is...
This goes the same with the scholarship thing. Also no news yet ever since I have submitted my reply...
How long more do I have to wait?
Second, my job
Many a times I really feel like quitting. Not that the job is bad, just that I always feel that temp staff are not welcome. Whenever something goes wrong, the perm staff (actually a particular someone) will just burst and goes on ranting that the temp staff does not do a 100% job and why can't they have a perm staff instead. And she said it loud in front of me. Can you imagine how I feel at that moment? So what else can I do but to paste a silly grin on my face and act stupid? And what nerve she has! I have also caught her a few times making mistakes...and if I have worked for 6 years too, I would have done a much better job than you! This is ridiculous. If the senior staff make mistake, they can just haha and say a mere sorry to end things. But if a junior staff (especially a temp staff) makes mistake, they will get earfuls of scoldings and humiliation in front of others.
Haha..I wish I could laugh this all off. What does not kill me makes me stronger.
My worries might end soon because the PERM staff are coming. Much to the delight of everyone.
Feeling lousy about myself now.
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Thursday, 7 June 2007

Seriously, what is happening to me now?
I can hardly concentrate in my job now, especially the cashiering part. It has been a long long time since I see a zero in my closing. Haiz....
Do I feel bored already, or do I really need a nice deserving break from the monotony of a job? Imagine waking up early to go to work, then going back home to bathe and eat and finally falling asleep while attempting to watch tv. And the next day, the vicious cycle repeats itself again. and again. and again.
But I cannot quit...I desperately need to earn money to sustain my life overseas...
August, please come quick!
i just wanted to say ...# ;