Monday, 28 May 2007

Why hasn't my letter arrive yet?
It has been 5 days already (including the weekends) and no further news from them long more do I still have to wait?
Somebody just explain to me why I hate waiting...
Feeling very lost and directionless now...
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Saturday, 26 May 2007

I finally realise the meaning of 'shaking with excitement'....
When I frist saw that very email saying that I received the scholarship to go UK and study heart nearly jumped out and my limbs were shaking uncontrollably. Hardly can blame me because it has always been my dreams to study overseas...
Apart from the excitement, worries start to settle in. What if University of Manchester does not accept me? What if I have the health checkup and I did not take certain vaccination? What if I cannot survive alone overseas? What if I fail my parents' expectations? What if the email is a fraud? What if....?
Guess or these worrying is not going to help...not when my appetite starts to fall and I can barely get a good every night. (Can u imagine me having insomia???)
So everything now is a big big question mark...and I have no sense of!
i just wanted to say ...# ;
Sunday, 6 May 2007
i just wanted to say ...# ;