Hi there!
Well, for those whom I have said before that I would not have my personal blog, erm...I guess I just broke that promise. The reason being:
I need a channel to vent out all my frustrations! if not I would just burst...
Have been working for the past two months. Things are generally smooth-sailing until last week, where things start to going HORRIBLY wrong. Guess Lady Luck just abandoned me that week. Enough of work matter now, coz for the next few posts (and possibly the rest of it as well) are going to be regarding my work...(boring, I know)
So I have just watched Season 2 of Project Superstar...was kinda hoping that Diya will win. Coz Singapore has too many male winners. And also I feel that Diya has the X factor to step out of Singapore. But truthfully, I was disappointed at her self-picked song, coz the song was obviously too hard for her to manage. She could have picked something more cheeky, lively or even touching but...well....the judges had said it all.
Today was also the last episode of Nanoha A's, the animation that captured my attention since Cardcaptor Sakura and Fushigi Yuugi. I loved the way the whole series had concluded by showing the lives of all characters six years later. Chrono is still charming as ever and Yuuno has changed to a bookworm type of guy. From their conversations, looks like Nanoha is together with Yuuno, and not Chrono as I have previously expected. No matter what, like all Nanoha's fans, I am defintely looking forward to the third series of Nanoha.

Shall end here now. I know some are falling asleep already....:P